Walgreens Run

I had two $5 catalina's that expired today, so I got the above for a grand total of .29, I then went outside to the redbox and got a movie for free, stay tuned on how to rent redbox movies for free. Here are the two transactions broken down.

Transaction #1
3 (3pk)Goodie headbands - 2.99 each
2 Walgreens paperplates - on sale for .99 each
1 package of carrot seeds (filler) clearanced at .10

used .99 goodie hair accessory in ad coupon
Used $5 catalina

Total Out of Pocket: .04

Transaction #2
2 Healthy start Orange juice - 1.50 each
2 brown N' serve sausages - .99 each
1 mini highlighter - clearanced at .25

used $5 catalina

Total OOP: .24

Grand total .29
