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Woohoo! I just won 47 Swagbucks!

Don't forget that today is Friday which means it is Mega Swagbucks!

Are you earning Swagbucks today? It only takes 450 Swag Bucks to grab a $5 Amazon gift card or 700 Swag Bucks to cash them in using paypal! You can earn about 40-50 Swag Bucks a day pretty easy, but on Fridays you could earn as many as 1000 at one time! Start earning your Swagbucks today!

I still have my goal of doing the majority of my Christmas shopping with the FREE Amazon gift cards I get through Swagbucks. I'm up to $110 so far!

I buy the $5 Amazon cards each time as they are the best deal. You can grab up to 5 same prizes a month.


  1. I joined swag bucks last week and have had pretty good success. I'm at around 230. You say that you can pretty easily do 40 - 50 a day. Can you give us tips on how? I'm going to do the same thing with trying to earn enough to do some Christmas shopping but I'm just not earning enough points to make a dent. Any advice that you can give would be most appreciated!!


  2. Erin,
    I'm going to do a post on different ways to earn more swagbucks. So stay tuned!

  3. Thank you!! Looking forward to it. :)



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