100 Free Business Cards Shipped for FREE!

Woohoo! I have been needing some new business cards, so this could not have come at a better time. Right now you can get 100 FREE business cards shipped to your home for FREE.

Here's How
  • Head over to Zazzle and choose your business cards (you can browse their templates or design your own; be sure to choose the cards that are $16.95 in value)
  • Once you've completed your cards, click add to cart, and then proceed to checkout.
  • The discount for the free cards will automatically be applied.
  • You will then need to enter the coupon code ZAZSHIPSFREE to snag FREE shipping. Keep in mind that you will need to enter payment information (either credit card or Paypal) but nothing will be charged. PLEASE NOTE: It will still show $7.95 shipping, you will not see the FREE shipping until you follow the next step.
  • Once you enter the payment information, be sure to change the shipping method from Standard to Economy, you order total should go down to $0 and you can then click on place order now.
Hip to Save & Frugal Coupon Living!
