Mega Swagbucks Day! Start Searching!

How is your Christmas shopping going? Have you ordered most of your gifts with Swagbucks? If so, take a picture of what all you were able to get for FREE from using Swagbucks, whether you use Target gift cards, Amazon gift cards, or anything else. I would love to share some of your pictures with all of our readers.

Are you earning Swagbucks today? It only takes 450 Swag Bucks to grab a $5 Amazon gift card or 700 Swag Bucks to cash them in using paypal! You can earn about 40-50 Swag Bucks a day pretty easy, but on Fridays you could earn as many as 1000 at one time! Start earning your Swagbucks today!

I still have my goal of doing the majority of my Christmas shopping with the FREE Amazon gift cards I get through Swagbucks. I'm up to $380 so far! I can't wait to show you all of our Amazon Christmas Gifts, (after they are unwrapped that is)!

I buy the $5 Amazon cards each time as they are the best deal. You can grab up to 5 same prizes a month.

Still haven't signed up? Go HERE to start today and use code JoinIn2010 to earn an instant 30 Swagbucks!


  1. I started using Swagbucks about 6 months ago and have used the points to buy amazon gift cards. I've been able to get all my textbooks for grad school free!


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